
talvi tulee

which i think means that winter has arrived.

It finally started snowing today (and the temperature is supposed to stay low enough for at least the next week). Went for a short walk down to the beach. Unfortunatly i had leaft my camera in the office, so only had my crappy phone cam with me.
the beach in winter
In past years by now the sea would be frozen i can go for a long walk on the ice, however, there was at least the interest that currently the sea level is a bit high due to storms apparently.
laituri talvissa
Literaly 5 seconds after taking this picture a woman walked past to go for a swim!


now if it just ran a REAL os...

just saw this gadget on engadget, and first reaction was kind of like when i first saw the iPhone -> WANT!.
Then discovered that it will be running Windows. Oh well, maybe someone will get something nice running on it. Specs were (in order of desire), 7" screen with good resolution, bluetooth, 1GB RAM, Hard drive, some other stuff.


THis would not happen in Britain

surffin the Intawebs and come across this discussion.
I am always having to bite my tongue when talking with my American collegues, as to me they are mis-pronouncing the computer networking device that is used to route packets.



that you would not be rushing out and buying this book:
Cover of The Princess Bride
25 year aniversiry edition out now in all good book shops


some useful tips for getting more out of OS X

Cote at redmonk, had these tips to share.
As ever with Mac, a couple of button presses, gets "COOOOL" emote


interesting stock movement

with all the chatter about the new iPhone form apple, i wondered how it would affect the big phone handset manufacturers (specifically Nokia, who is 1/3 of finlands econnomy according to the stock market)
So Drew this graph
Apple Stock V Nokia
showing almost no movement of Nokia on NYSE, interesting.

Via James Robertson, saw this graph, showing apple Vs Palm and CrackBerry.


WOW, glad i waited to buy my next gadget...

in case you live under a rock it seems that that 8no great surprise) the apple mobile was announed.
check engadget for drooling fanboy details.

Now i am really torn;
+ cheap, i know it works
- end of life, expensive add-ons
Fujitsu Loox N560
+ GPS, VGA screen
- expensive, runs Windows

and now the new iPhone
+ runs OS X, reasonable size, sexy as
- unknown how locked down it is, apple tend to botch the first release of a product, no memory card slot, camera


oh my gosh, that was easy

seems that Windows continues with it's amazing record of security.
Here is a walkthrough of how to get system (root) privaledges.
(yes, i know, nothing for months then three posts in a day)

Security Theatre are reduced at Manchester Airport

well it seems that shoe bombers are no longer a threat (I did not have to pass my shoes through the scanner this time)
although bottles of liquid and cigarette lighters are the current major red thing that the highly trained security personnel are worried about.
Also unusually, i did not get my random security massage

The Joy of PC's

 just one more reason to hate computers, seems that even though computers need to keep relativley accurate time, they can't.
Seems Jeff Atwood has found that time syncronisation does not work too well.