
Good weather at last...

and co-incidently, similar thing happend in Canada found on ongoing

As the weather is nice, the ol' ZZR got dusted off and started up. Hurrah for motorcycles.

But not some much for petrol, as in the six months the bike had been standing it appears that the fuel had "gone off".
How did i find this out, well 20 minutes of attempting to bump-start the bike (after nearly running the battery flat), then a rest, then another 10 minutes, where my friend (who has just bought a Triumph America), helped in the pushing. Before the suggestion that the fuel might be bad. So €10 of fuel to top-up the tank, and one last push up the hill, then HURRAH the sound i have been waiting all winter to hear again.


tomorrow i will be mostly...

drinking beer at helsinki beer festival.

It's a hard life but someone's got to do it :)


Dumb business decisions

After a bit of a lay-off i wanted to continue playing WoW, so attempted to give them some money by logging into the account screens.

All day Saturday and Sunday the system would eventually return a "503 Server Busy" error.
Phoned them on Monday, and the answer was "We know, and are working on it", but no clue as to when it would be fixed.
At least they credited me one days play (so i got on last night at least)