
What makes Jaiku so good...

So during the recent downtime, that saw Jaiku move from a datacenter in Finland to the Google App Engine, i tried out Rejaw.

While there, there was a conversation, and the feature list of Jaiku came out.

Thinking about it, here are the features (in an approximate priority order), that keep me coming back to Jaiku (appart from the people);

  • Mobile client
  • threaded replies (with no character limit on replies, only on initial post)
  • Channels
  • does the Lifestreaming feed thing
  • Post via SMS
  • IM interface
  • API


BarCampHelsinki2 is GO

So Fjord have once again said that a semi-random group of people could descend on their office for a Saturday of intense conversations, demos and ideas.

More details at the Wiki, go there and update it.


Progress towards 100 pressups

So a little over 3 and half weeks ago, i came across this site one hundred pushups, and thought, that sounds like a good idea.

So i take the first test (this was on a Tuesday), and according to that i should be doing column 3. So i try that on the Wednesday, and it was rather hard to say the least, but i managed it.
I then try the second day on the Friday, and complete fail. I barely manage to do the number as per the first column, and i am in a world of pain, so obviously something is wrong then.

The following week, i decide that i will try column two instead (and as per the site advice, do it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday).
Much better, i can do the recommended numbers and still move afterwards.
Onto week two of the program, and it is all looking good, well, apart from i am on holiday at the family mökki, so some of the day's get moved round a bit.
I had written down the numbers as i had also taken the monday off, and i thought they looked too big, so instead of doing that, i repeated week2's numbers but moved to column 3 instead.

On returning to the city i, re-read the site and realized my mistake.
I had not taken the new test that i was supposed to do at the end of week 2, bit late to change now (or rather i could but it would make tracking things harder), so i continue with doing week 2 again but this time using column 3's numbers.

So this last weekend i did the test and managed 21 press-ups, so that should put me in colum 2 again, but having learnt from my mistake last time, i decided to do column 1.
And glad i did. I managed to do the sets (the last couple of press-ups were really boarderline good form, but...), and i did not manage to reach the minimum for the final set.

Looks like i will be repeating weeks 3&4, so this is going to take just a little longer than 6 weeks ;)

And, the reason for posting here; lifehack, post your fitness or weightloss plan on the web, and you are more likley to do it.
so expect more in this series of posts