
cool cartoons and WoW

check out this cool cartoon. last sundays was well funny!

also in case anyone missed it, here is the WoW maps site. Obviuosly after hitting the front pages of both DiGG and Slashdot the site is down currently :(


life is unfair

how come some people are able to write so clearly and with such subtly about as something as mundane as a review of socks!

Me, i get to curse and swear as for no apparant reason that i could see, this morning Windows XP (upgrade, my ar*e), decided that all of my desktop icons should be "auto arranged!.
Grrr, so all of my collegues get to have a free revison lesson in "English and the use of Rude words".
Makes you want to give it all up and go and grow potatoes.


Chav brains in action

good thing the police are so restrained in this video. *WARNING*- popup happy site that only plays video clip in the browser(after downloading) :(, at least it seems to work in opera.

found via coppers blog


well it made me laugh

this cartoon made me laugh.

From Dr Fun, which is kind of similar in style to Farside.


good Place to work

suffing round, and came accross this idea.

If i ever find a company that does this i am *SO* there.

Call Center online again

Cool, Call center guy is back, hurrah!

On second thoughts, Oh noo, even less chance of me doing work now :(


remember to do documentation

saw this on this guys site under the talks bit.
Put it here so there is a possabilty that i might remember it, when i am supposed to be creating documents.

When creating documentation for code that you have created, remember that there are three basic audiences:
  • Tutorial (first time user)
  • API (return user)
  • Developer (extender)
  • 2006/01/16

    And so onto why this corner of the Interweb exists

    - to embarrass Jon K into getting his on-line writing up and running (as this will likly suck big ones!)
    - hold some bookmarks online
    - everyone cool has already done it


    First Post

    welcome to random stuff by a bloke living in finland